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01 Livelihood support

Housing fund: Housing fund support
Company housing: Company housing support for research personnel
Student expenses: Employee children high school and university expenses support/university entrance felicitation fund
Health screening: Comprehensive health screening of employee and spouse (Over 40 years old)
Meal provision: Employee cafeteria operation

02 Office life support

Transportation / communication costs: transit bus operation, sales employee transportation/communication costs support
Work clothing: Summer and winter work clothing support for employees
Self-development cost: Foreign language learning support
Gifts: New year, Thanksgiving, company anniversary, and Labor Day, holiday and gift provision
Long service awards (3 years/5 years/10 years/15 years/20 years)

03 Leisure activity support

Summer holidays (4 days), Refresh holiday
Condolence money/Condolence holiday: Marriages etc.
Various club activity support
Resort recreational facilities use